Your publication top: I am famous a wish that you make it come true, read on. You want your publication to be in the first places in search engines such as Google Bing or other important ones. In the SEO tab at the bottom, in “Focus keyphrase” place your keywords by which search engines will find and position your publication normally 3, the most of your paragraph will focus on paying attention to those keywords
1.Write your writing with a minimum of 300 words and in this text include 4 or 3 times the Keywords as is, for example if your keywords are “I am famous here” so exactly they must be logically inserted in your text. It is necessary to place keywords exactly at the beginning of all your writing, example: “I am famous and such such such and more words in the first paragraph ….” the others distribute them according to your content requires it
Your publication top The keywords in the title first paragraph, slug and more
2.In the same tab SEO in “SEO title” the title must have the following general form: I am famous here: Come you too now”, an example applied to this case, where The Keyphrase (Keyword) is at the beginning and the following words of this title will describe or define characteristics or attributes of this, or talk about anything related to these keywords, the bottom line will be green if the title is correct
This same step two translated into Spanish
2.En la misma pestaña SEO en “SEO title” el titulo debe Tener la siguiente forma general: Soy famoso aquí: Ven tú también ahora”, un ejemplo aplicado a este caso, donde La Keyphrase (Palabra clave) esta en el inicio y las palabras siguientes de este titulo describirán o definirán características o atributos de esta, o hablaran cualquier cosa relacionada con estas palabras clave, la linea de abajo estará verde si el titulo es correcto
3.The “Slug” must contain the keyword, write it if there are other words or symbols
4.In “Meta description” it must contain a short text that talks about the subject you are dealing with is the one that will appear in the search engine under the title, the keyword must come first before all other words in the text
5.Click on “SEO analysis”. The correct items appear with green dots and the missing items to be done in orange or red.
6.If you have followed the described steps adapted to your writing. Outbound links, Internal links and Image alt attributes will appear in general in red dots. To turn them into green we will place a link from another place (Google recommended. Search for a word in Google and copy and paste the link from the browser’s address bar). Make sure that the link begins with https, select a word, immediately. Click on the “link chain” symbol in the menu bar and paste that link there. Example this word is a link this is an “Outbound links”.
The easiest images to find on the internet, plus categories and tags
7.We upload an image, recommended from other networks. As we have done. And in Alt text (alternative text) that is in the “Block” options on the right of your screen. We write our Keywords, and Done! From here you can add videos, images, designs, backgrounds, effects, etc. To your publication. you want according to the previous guides or their variants. Before publishing, and the next blue button. Choose your country in “Categories” and write your tags in “Tags”. Very important for the focus of the country. And so that you can appear in the trends and boost your publication for those words.

Go to the initial guides by clicking here
Hello, dear readers! I have some exciting news to share with you today. You won’t believe it, but my publication has reached the top of the Internet! Yes, you heard me right. The top of the Internet! 🎉
How did I do it, you ask? Well, it wasn’t easy, let me tell you. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and luck. But mostly luck. And a little bit of cheating. Okay, a lot of cheating. But hey, who’s counting?
Your publication top Awesome my huge influence
You see, I have a secret weapon that no one else knows about. A magic formula that can make any publication go viral in minutes. It’s so simple, yet so effective. All you need is three ingredients: a catchy title, a controversial topic, and a cute animal picture.
That’s it! That’s all it takes to get millions of clicks, likes, and shares on your publication. Don’t believe me? Just look at some of my recent headlines:
- How I Lost 50 Pounds in a Week by Eating Only Bananas (and Why You Should Too)
- Why Vaccines Are Actually Bad for You (and Your Pets)
- How to Train Your Cat to Do Your Taxes (With Pictures)
See? It works like a charm! And the best part is, you don’t even have to write anything meaningful or factual in your publication. Just fill it with some random words and sentences that sound vaguely related to your topic. No one will notice or care. They’ll be too busy clicking on your cute animal picture at the end.
So there you have it, folks. The secret to becoming the top publication on the Internet. Now you can do it too! Just follow my simple formula and watch your publication soar to new heights of popularity and fame.
Your publication top Being first on social media too
But hurry up, because this offer won’t last long. I’m only sharing this with you because I like you and I want you to succeed. But if you don’t act fast, someone else might beat you to it. And then you’ll be left behind in the dust of obscurity.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and write your own publication using my magic formula right now. And don’t forget to send me a link when you’re done. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Until next time, Videos and social media, their publication, tutorial Photos Texts Media and variants. All series to enjoy without cuts! Todas las series! Tutorial: Post Videos and Social Media, Videos with images, text inside.