The explorer that leads us is social para todos


The explorer that leads us

The explorer that leads us is social Use the Comment block

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The explorer that leads us El explorador que nos lleva (publicaciones anteriores)

The explorer that leads us. We present the most advanced tools to navigate spectacularly through the different publications and multimedia groups live and instantly. Use the power of touch or cursor to go meet your favorite friends 24/7.

The explorer that leads us. Presentamos las mas avanzadas herramientas para navegar espectacularmente por los diferentes grupos publicaciones y multimedios en vivo e instantáneamente. Utilizar el poder táctil o del cursor para ir a reunirte con tus amigos favoritos 24/7.

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Chat & News EU Deutschland Inside of War


News EU Deutsch NL. #news Global civil society communicates:

News EU Deutsch NL. The people of the world are strongly protesting the 21st century invasion of a sovereign nation. For the second time by the Russian autocracy. However, due to the danger to humanity. We and our military leaders refrain from taking militaristic actions. As has been done by Vladimir Putin, the Russian Duma, etc. and Russian military. To whom is the accusation of bloodshed in Ukraine. All the disapproval of society in general. Likewise all our repudiation for obeying the invasion orders of your commander. Our disappointment and protest to the Russian citizens who did not put pressure on their public servants to prevent this invasion. There are clear exceptions.

News EU Deutsch NL. Now, we celebrate the sanctions since it is not possible to have dealings with a regime of this type and society as a whole comes together and announces the following joint measures:

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