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Redes sociales Internet. Estas sonaron timidamente al salir de la educacion preparatoria,
Redes Sociales internet. Día cuatro
..en esa época analógica saber un poquito de esa cosa “rara” era de genios, bien, empezaron a aparecer los cafes Internet y bueno haya vamos ahi preguntando y toda la cosaDía cinco, olvidándonos de Redes Sociales
El estado positivo en el aula, bueno si es verdad que esta disciplina si reúne a personas netamente humanas es decir aquellas a las cuales te acercas y sientes que estas en contacto con Dios, y eso se sentía en ese grupo, muy a pesar de mi toxicidad, y ahora descubro que eso permitió la contracción de esta cosa que llamamos “tiempo”Día tres, mas historias
El primer año de practicas se sintió como si fuesen 3 años ¿porque? En esos recintos sucedían cosas aberrantes como celos enfermizos, sujetos que ocupaban su tiempo solo en molestar a otros, sujetos empeñados en dañar a otro, chismes, etc. Conclusión esos eran los demiurguillosRedes Sociales internet ENGLISH
Day four, the Redes Sociales
Internet rang timidly after leaving pre-university, in that analogue time knowing a little bit of that “weird” thing was of geniuses, well, the Internet cafes began to appear and well there we go there asking and the whole thingDay five, forgetting the Redes Sociales
The positive state in the classroom, well if it is true that this discipline if it brings together purely human people is to say those to whom you approach and feel that you are in contact with God, and that felt in that group, in spite of my toxicity, and now I discover that that allowed the contraction of this thing we call “time”Redes Sociales internet Day six, more stories
The first year of practice felt as if they were 3 years why? In those enclosures, aberrant things happened like sickly jealousy, subjects who spent their time just bothering others, subjects determined to harm another, gossip, etc. Conclusion those were the demiurguillosSaltar rapidamente de grupo en grupo::
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Redes Sociales internet in english. The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers. Devices and servers that allows people to access and share information across the world. The Internet has many applications. Such as email, web browsing, social media, online gaming, e-commerce, cloud computing, online education, telemedicine and more. Internet is also a source of entertainment, creativity, innovation and knowledge.
The Internet works by using a system of protocols. Which are rules that govern how data is transmitted and received over the network. The most common protocol is the Internet Protocol (IP), which assigns a unique address to each device on the network. Another protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which ensures that data is delivered reliably and in the correct order. Together, these protocols form the basis of the TCP/IP model, which is the foundation of the Internet.
Redes Sociales internet The Internet also relies on a hierarchical structure of domains
The Internet also relies on a hierarchical structure of domains. Which are groups of devices that share a common name and authority. For example, the domain name google.com belongs to Google Inc. And identifies all the devices that are part of its network. Each domain name has a corresponding IP address, which is a numerical representation of its location on the network. To translate domain names into IP addresses, the Internet uses a system called the Domain Name System (DNS). Which is a distributed database of domain names and IP addresses.
The Internet is constantly evolving and expanding, as new technologies, devices and services are developed and introduced. Some of the current trends and challenges in the Internet include:
Internet of Things (IoT). This refers to the interconnection of everyday objects and devices that can communicate and exchange data over the Internet.
Examples of IoT devices include smart home appliances, wearable devices, sensors, cameras, vehicles and more. IoT can enable new applications and benefits for users, such as convenience, efficiency, security and personalization. However, IoT also poses risks and challenges, such as privacy, security, reliability and interoperability.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): This refers to the ability of machines and software to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Such as reasoning, learning, decision making and natural language processing. AI can enhance the functionality and performance of the Internet, by enabling new services and features. Such as voice assistants, chatbots, recommendation systems, image recognition and more. However, AI also raises ethical and social issues, such as bias, accountability, transparency and human dignity.
Cybersecurity: This refers to the protection of information systems and networks from unauthorized access, use or damage by malicious actors.
Is essential for ensuring the safety and integrity of the Internet. As well as the privacy and confidentiality of users’ data. Cybersecurity threats include hacking, phishing, malware, denial-of-service attacks, ransomware and more. Cybersecurity requires constant vigilance and collaboration among various stakeholders, such as governments, businesses, organizations and individuals.
Digital Divide: This refers to the gap between those who have access to the Internet and those who do not. The digital divide can be influenced by factors such as geography, income, education, gender, age and disability. Digital divide can limit the opportunities and benefits that the Internet can offer to some groups of people. Such as access to information, education, health care, employment and social inclusion. The digital divide can also exacerbate existing inequalities and marginalization in society. Bridging the digital divide requires efforts to improve the availability, affordability and quality of Internet access and services for everyone.
Redes Sociales internet. The Internet is a powerful tool that can transform our lives in many ways.
The Internet is a powerful tool that can transform our lives in many ways. Internet can enable us to communicate with anyone around the world. To access vast amounts of information; to learn new skills; to express ourselves creatively. To participate in social movements; to create new businesses; to innovate new solutions; and more. However, the Internet also comes with responsibilities and challenges that we need to be aware of and address. The Internet is not a neutral or static entity; it is shaped by our actions and choices. Therefore, we need to use the Internet wisely and ethically. To respect the rights and interests of others. To protect ourselves from harm; to contribute positively to society; and to foster a culture of openness,
collaboration and diversity on the Internet.
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