Social addresses. Sharing is traditionally an effective way of making what you like reach others and the benefits of doing so are multiple in addition to improving societies, giving them value, promoting your importance and reliability and that other people refer to you as a person with whom you are worth. It is worth associating and appointing yourself as a leader or someone important, the ancestral foundations of this can be found by clicking on this word: START. This is the second part of the series of address cards to share by word of mouth with your acquaintances so that they too can enjoy these contents and participate in them:

(You can print, copy, record, remember to share)
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Do you like the address bar?
Social addresses. Navigate through the menu bars and you will find in the address bar of your browser the human-friendly addresses that are easy to share.
Social addresses Detta är den andra delen av serien av adresskort som du kan dela muntligt med dina bekanta så att de också kan njuta av detta innehåll och delta i dem Dette er den andre delen av serien med adressekort som du kan dele muntlig med dine bekjente, slik at de også kan nyte dette innholdet og delta i det Dette er den anden del af serien med adressekort, som du kan dele med dig, og også kan nyde dette indhold og delta i det Þetta er önnur hlutdeild með röð af adressekortum sem þú getur deilt með þér, svo þú getur líka notið þessarar innherja og delta í því Dette er den andre delen av serien med addressressort som du kan dele muntlig med dine bekjente, slik and de også kan nyte dette innholdet og delta i det
Social addresses for offline sharing
Have you ever struggled to share your location with someone who doesn’t have a smartphone or internet access? Maybe you wanted to invite them to a party, a meeting, or a delivery. Or maybe you just wanted to send them a postcard or a letter. How do you explain where you live or work without using a long and complicated address that is hard to remember and prone to errors?
Social addresses. That’s where social addresses come in. Social addresses are short, simple, and memorable codes that you can use to identify any place on Earth. They are based on a global grid of 3×3 meter squares, each with a unique combination of three words. For example, the social address for the Eiffel Tower in Paris is
. The social address for the Statue of Liberty in New York is planet.inches.most
You can find your own social address by using a free app or website that converts your GPS coordinates into words. You can also search for any place by typing its name or its social address. Once you have your social address, you can share it with anyone, anywhere, using any medium. You can write it on a paper, say it over the phone, or print it on a business card. You can also use it to navigate with offline maps or voice directions.
Social addresses are not meant to replace traditional addresses, but to complement them. They are especially useful for places that don’t have official addresses, such as rural areas, slums, parks, or beaches. They are also helpful for places that have confusing or duplicate addresses, such as apartment buildings, shopping malls, or airports. Social addresses can make it easier and faster to find and reach any destination, without relying on internet access or expensive devices.
So next time you want to share your location with someone who is offline, try using a social address. It might save you some time and hassle, and make your communication more clear and accurate. Social addresses are the new way of saying where you are and where you want to go.
Would you like to share your social networks with people you know in real life, but you don’t want to give out your phone number or email? Then we present to you Ligamosya, a new application that allows you to create social addresses to share your presence on the Internet easily and securely.
Ligamosya is an app that works as a generator of personalized QR codes. Which you can scan with your mobile phone to access other people’s social profiles. Thus, you can follow someone on any other social network without having to search for their username or ask them to type it for you.
With Ligamosya. You can create as many as you want. Choose which social networks you want to include in each one. For example, you can have a for your friends, another for your family, another for your work, etc. Plus, you can edit or delete your at any time, and control who can see and follow them.
Ligamosya is a free and easy-to-use app. You just have to download it to your mobile, register with your email and create your first social address. Then, you can share it with whoever you want. Either by showing the QR code on your screen, sending it by message, or printing it on a card. You can also scan other people’s QR codes to follow their social networks instantly.
Ligamosya is the most comfortable and safe way to share your presence on the Internet with people you know in real life. Download it now and start linking your social networks with Ligamosya. Sharing is the history of mankind Sale of shares Venta de acciones. Compartir Red. Share with everyone totalmente. What people want A call that matters to all of us Un llamado que nos importa a todos. Be a millionaire making videos Millonarios haciendo videos Publish easily Free and quickly on the Internet! Publicar Fácil Rápido.
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