Eyes world Live Ojos in English eyes in Spanish or the extension of your eyes on the planet
Eyes en ingles ojos en español o la extencion de tus ojos en el planeta We were at the gates of that fortification that day, an old castle in Japan was the year 1700, a mysterious monk came out to greet us, we introduced ourselves and said come in after a brief talk he said “you will see something unique” he had told us about the ancient legends that told of a magic mirror in which the kings could look at what was more there were from the mountains the valleys so that they always know what happened in a magical way what happened at great distances, we passed there in a corner we saw an artifact oval and said with that device you could see those in the distance, but he was forbidden to allow them to touch him
A disturbing story Eyes Una historia inquietante Ojos
Estábamos a las puertas de aquella fortificación aquel día,un castillo antiguo en Japón era el año 1700, un monje misterioso salio a recibirnos, nos presentamos y dijo pasen después de una breve charla dijo “verán algo único” el nos había contado de las antiguas leyendas que contaban de un espejo mágico en el cual los reyes podían mirar lo que había mas hayan de las montañas los valles de manera que siempre saben lo que pasaba de manera mágica lo que pasaba a grandes distancias, pasmos allí en un rincón vimos un artefacto ovalado y dijo con ese aparato se podía ve los que hay en la distancia, pero el tenia prohibido permitir que lo tocaran. Whe are eyes? Visión remota Extención de las capacidades de los sentidos de percepción humanos nueva realidad poder ciudadano vigilancia ciudadana Remote viewing Extension of the capacities of the human senses of perception New reality citizen power Citizen surveillance

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Eyes world Live Ojos: Eyes are the windows to the world
Eyes world Live Ojos: Eyes are the windows to the world, or so they say. But what if you could see the world through someone else’s eyes? What if you could live their experiences, feel their emotions, and learn from their perspectives? That is the idea behind Ojos. A new app that lets you connect with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles, and share your vision with them.
Eyes world Live Ojos: Ojos is more than just a video chat app. It is a social network that fosters empathy, curiosity, and diversity. You can browse through different categories of users, such as travelers, artists, activists, teachers, and more, and request to join their live stream. You can also create your own profile and broadcast your own view of the world to others. Ojos lets you interact with the streamers and viewers through voice, text, and emojis. And you can also send tips and gifts to support your favorite streamers.
Eyes world Live Ojos: Ojos is not only fun and entertaining, but also educational and inspiring. You can learn new languages, discover new places, explore new hobbies, and make new friends. You can also gain insights into different cultures, issues, and perspectives, and challenge your own biases and assumptions. Ojos is a platform that celebrates diversity and promotes understanding among people from all walks of life.
Eyes world Live Ojos Ojos today and join the global community
If you are ready to see the world in a new way. Download Ojos today and join the global community of eye-openers. Ojos is available for iOS and Android devices, and it is free to use. Ojos: Live the world through other eyes.
Eyes world
Have you ever wondered how different animals see the world? The eyes are one of the most fascinating and complex organs in nature. And they have evolved in various ways to suit different environments and needs. In this blog post. We will explore some of the amazing diversity of eyes in the animal kingdom, and how they help their owners survive and thrive.
One of the most basic distinctions among eyes is whether they are simple or compound. Simple eyes have a single lens that focuses light onto a retina. Which is a layer of light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye. Compound eyes, on the other hand. Have many tiny lenses that each form a separate image on a mosaic of photoreceptors. Compound eyes are common in insects and crustaceans, and they provide a wide field of view and fast motion detection, but at the cost of lower resolution and color vision.
Eyes world Live Ojos Among eyes is how they perceive color
Another important difference among eyes is how they perceive color. Humans have three types of cone cells in their retina. Wwhich are sensitive to red, green and blue wavelengths of light. This allows us to see a rich spectrum of colors, but not as many as some other animals. For example, birds have four types of cone cells. Which enable them to see ultraviolet light as well as visible light. This helps them find food, mates and predators more easily. Some fish and reptiles have even more types of cone cells. Which allow them to see polarized light and infrared light.
One of the most remarkable examples of eye evolution is the eye of the mantis shrimp. A marine crustacean that has 12 types of photoreceptors and can see 16 colors. The mantis shrimp can also move its eyes independently and rotate them 360 degrees. Giving it a complete view of its surroundings. The mantis shrimp uses its extraordinary vision to hunt prey with its powerful claws. Which can strike with the force of a bullet.
As you can see, there is no single way to see the world
Not all animals rely on eyes for vision, however. Some animals use other senses to navigate and locate objects in their environment. For example, bats use echolocation, which is a process of emitting high-pitched sounds and listening to the echoes that bounce back from objects. This allows them to fly and hunt in the dark with great accuracy. Similarly, dolphins use sonar, which is a form of echolocation that uses sound waves underwater. Dolphins can also communicate with each other using different sounds and clicks.
As you can see, there is no single way to see the world. Each animal has its own unique perspective, shaped by its evolutionary history and ecological niche. The next time you look into an animal’s eyes, try to imagine what they see and how they see it. You might be surprised by the diversity and beauty of nature’s vision. Vivir la vida ruletas Live life roulette Facil Live cams for you: World Cams para ti. Joys and love live chat friends. Worldwide live chat network, Friendships Tendencias Natureza Live Vídeos Brasil.
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