#SaveYourInternet Youtube PewDiePie News
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SaveYourInternet Youtube PewDiePie News: Why YouTube and PewDiePie Need Your Support
SaveYourInternet Youtube PewDiePie News. If you are a fan of YouTube and PewDiePie, you may have heard about the controversial Article 13, a proposed EU law that could threaten the future of online content creation and sharing. In this blog post, I will explain what Article 13 is, why it is bad for YouTube and PewDiePie, and what you can do to save your internet.
Article 13 is part of the EU’s Copyright Directive, which aims to protect the rights of creators and publishers of original works. However, the way Article 13 is written, it could also force online platforms like YouTube to filter or block any uploaded content that may contain copyrighted material, such as music, images, or clips from movies or TV shows.
This means that YouTube would have to either get licenses from every possible rights holder in the world, or risk being sued or fined for hosting infringing content. This would be impossible for YouTube to do, as there are billions of videos on the platform, and millions more uploaded every day. It would also be very costly and time-consuming for YouTube to implement such a filtering system, which could result in lower quality and less diversity of content for viewers.
Article 13 would also affect YouTube’s most popular and influential creators, such as PewDiePie, who has over 100 million subscribers and is known for his gaming, comedy, and commentary videos. PewDiePie often uses clips or images from other sources in his videos, such as memes, news articles, or fan art. Under Article 13, these videos could blocked or removed by YouTube, even if they are fair use or transformative in nature.
This would not only hurt PewDiePie’s income and creativity, but also his fans’ enjoyment and engagement. PewDiePie has a loyal and active fan base, who often interact with him through comments, likes, shares, and donations. PewDiePie also supports many charities and causes through his videos, such as planting trees, helping children in need, or raising awareness about mental health. If Article 13 were to pass, PewDiePie and his fans could lose their voice and their community on YouTube.
So what can you do to save your internet and support YouTube and PewDiePie? You can sign the petition against Article 13 at www.saveyourinternet.eu. You can also contact your local MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) and urge them to vote against Article 13. Can find their contact details at www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/home. You can also spread the word on social media using the hashtag #SaveYourInternet and share this blog post with your friends and family.
Remember, Article 13 is not a law yet. It still has to go through a final vote in the European Parliament in January 2024. If enough people speak up and take action, we can stop Article 13 and save our internet. Thank you for reading this blog post and for supporting YouTube and PewDiePie.
SaveYourInternet: Why YouTube and PewDiePie Need Your Support
#SaveYourInternet Youtube PewDiePie News. If you are a fan of YouTube or PewDiePie, you may have heard about the controversial Article 13. A proposed EU law that could drastically change the way we use the internet. Article 13 is part of the EU’s Copyright Directive, which aims to protect the rights of creators and publishers. But also has some serious implications for online platforms and users.
Article 13 would require platforms like YouTube to filter or block any content that may infringe on someone else’s copyright. Even if it is fair use, parody, criticism, or commentary. This means that many of your favorite videos, memes, remixes. And fan art could be taken down or blocked from being uploaded in the first place.
This could have a huge impact on YouTube and its creators. Especially PewDiePie, who is the most subscribed and watched individual on the platform. PewDiePie is known for his gaming, comedy, and news videos, which often use clips, images, and music from other sources. Under Article 13, PewDiePie could face legal troubles, lose revenue, or even lose his channel altogether.
PewDiePie has been vocal about his opposition to Article 13, and has urged his fans to sign a petition and contact their MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) to voice their concerns. He has also collaborated with other YouTubers and influencers to spread awareness and rally support for the #SaveYourInternet campaign.
The #SaveYourInternet campaign is a grassroots movement that aims to stop Article 13 from becoming a law. It argues that Article 13 would violate the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and information. Harm the diversity and creativity of the internet culture, and damage the digital economy and innovation. The campaign also proposes alternative solutions that would balance the interests of creators. Platforms, and users without imposing censorship or liability.
The fate of Article 13 is still uncertain. As it has to go through several stages of negotiation and voting before it can finalized. The next crucial vote will take place on January 18th, 2024. When the European Parliament will decide whether to approve or reject the latest version of the law.
If you care about #SaveYourInternet YouTube, PewDiePie News, or the internet in general. You should join the #SaveYourInternet campaign and make your voice heard. You can sign the petition at www.saveyourinternet.eu. Contact your MEPs at www.saveyourinternet.eu/act-now/, and share your opinions on social media using the hashtag #SaveYourInternet. Together, we can stop Article 13 and protect our online freedom. Off Line for European Union (Article 13) Off line for European Union (Article 13). Off Line for European Union SaveYourInternet SUBIRUPLOAD TU OPINIÓN. This year ends. World in the 2024. General visions.
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