Wonderful creations with “Columns”

Creations with Columns. Examples of creations: blocks (functions) or functional blocks  pre-manufactured structures. Capable of integrating with other blocks and synchronizing and creating new structures or product-systems. You will direct their creation. In this case a master block “Columns” serves as a skeleton to house practically all the other blocks.. In this first example. Our creator has a project and at the beginning he wants to capture it in an image and video with the activities to carried out on certain dates. An overview photo with your description in column 1. A video of your product in column 2, and a calendar in column 3 the link at the bottom of the calendar goes back to your activities posted in the previous month for your review and take experiences for your new project.

The columns will be rearranged to suit the screen size.

The columns one after the other in a horizontal row displayed on desktop / smartTV screens and joint presentations.

Advanced technoscience on the move
Ride my prototype
March 2025

Creations with Columns. Examples of creations, second example, we present an interesting shopping list, in the first column we add the block “List” in the second the block “Image” or “video” the separation between elements of the list we do it by introducing the block “Spacer ”Between the elements to be separated

Shopping list:

  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Toys

“Supermarket has never been so exciting and fun”

Creations with Columns Another graphic list of activities

Also applying the block “Media & Text”, so that on your mobile it is shown exactly as on large screens, click on the image and in the right panel on “Block” and “Media & Text settings” turn off the button “Stack on mobile “, The last video activity was established by inserting the” Video “block, we uploaded the video and -Chage block type- (button with the video icon) in the menu bar, we chose” Media and Text “and did the same thing already mentioned.

Creations with Columns

Heart activities

Creations with Columns

Go to the pop concert

Also go to beach

Lists to do or buy things save time and avoid the classic frequent forgetfulness in our daily lives. So efficiently fulfilling our tasks is already easier.

Creations with Columns explore the fascinating connection

In this blog post, I will explore the fascinating connection between the columns and the creation, two concepts that have inspired awe and wonder in many people. The columns I am referring to are not the architectural ones, but the cosmic ones: the Pillars of Creation, a stunning photograph taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, and revisited in 2014 and 2022 with higher resolution and infrared vision. The creation I am referring to is not the artistic one, but the biblical one: the Genesis account of how God created the heavens and the earth in six days.

The Pillars of Creation are three giant columns of interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula. A star-forming region in the constellation Serpens. They are about 6,500 light-years away from Earth, and each pillar is several light-years long. They are called Pillars of Creation because they are sites where new stars are being born. As well as being eroded by the intense radiation from nearby stars that have already formed. The pillars have a striking appearance, resembling majestic buttes or towers rising from a dark background.

Creations with Columns The ancestral religion

Creations with Columns. The Genesis account of creation is found in the first chapter of the Bible. Where it describes how God created everything in six days, starting with light and ending with humans. On each day, God spoke and brought something into existence, such as the sky, the land, the sea, the plants, the sun, the moon, the stars, the animals, and finally humans. On the seventh day, God rested from his work and blessed it.

What is the connection between these two concepts? One possible way to look at it is to compare them as different perspectives on the same reality: the origin and development of life in the universe. From a scientific point of view, the Pillars of Creation show how stars and planets are formed from clouds of gas and dust over billions of years, following natural laws and processes. From a religious point of view. The Genesis account shows how God created everything with his word and power over six days. Following his divine plan and purpose.

The columns Curiosity and imagination genesis

Creations with Columns- Another possible way to look at it is to contrast them as different expressions of human curiosity and imagination: how we try to understand and appreciate the beauty and mystery of nature. From an artistic point of view, the Pillars of Creation are a stunning example of cosmic photography, capturing a moment of awe-inspiring splendor and drama in space. From a literary point of view, the Genesis account is a powerful example of cosmic poetry, conveying a message of awe-inspiring love and wisdom from God. More custom video creations Video editor and cards! Tutorial: Post Videos and Social Media. Videos and social media, their publication, tutorial FAQs Frequent questions pin.

Creations with Columns The beautiful majestic architecture

Whether you prefer to see them as complementary or contradictory, there is no doubt that both the columns and the creation are fascinating topics that can inspire us to learn

If you are interested in architecture, you might have noticed that many buildings have columns. Columns are vertical structures that support the weight of a roof or a ceiling. They can also be decorative elements that add beauty and style to a building.

Columns have been used since ancient times by different civilizations. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Indians all had their own styles of columns. Some of the most famous examples of columns are the Parthenon in Athens, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Taj Mahal in India.

Columns can be classified into three main types: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. These types differ in their shape, size, and decoration. Doric columns are the simplest and oldest type. They have a plain capital (the top part of the column) and no base (the bottom part of the column). Ionic columns are more slender and elegant than Doric columns. They have a scrolled capital and a base. Corinthian columns are the most ornate and elaborate type. They have a capital decorated with leaves and flowers and a base.

Creations with Columns can also be made of different materials

Such as stone, wood, metal, or concrete. The choice of material depends on the function, location, and design of the building. Stone columns are durable and strong, but they are heavy and expensive. Wood columns are lighter and cheaper than stone columns, but they are prone to decay and fire. Metal columns are flexible and resistant to corrosion, but they can rust and bend. Concrete columns are versatile and economical, but they can crack and crumble.

Columns are not only functional and aesthetic, but they also have symbolic meanings. They can represent power, stability, order, or wisdom. They can also evoke different emotions, such as awe, admiration, or reverence. Columns can be seen as symbols of culture, history, or art.

Columns are fascinating structures that have been used for thousands of years. They have shaped the architecture and the culture of many civilizations. They are still used today in modern buildings and monuments. Columns are more than just supports; they are expressions of human creativity and ingenuity.

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